Category: Uncategorized

  • Strangeness from thousands of years ago

    Strangeness from thousands of years ago

    It would seem from this piece of stone found in Egypt that helicopters, cruising boats and flying vehicles? have been around for a long time. Perhaps this suggests a presence of Levnium from somewhere either within Earth or perhaps imported from off planet.

  • Are these insects or Robots?

    Are these insects or Robots?

    How many insects do you know that lay eggs with logos on them??? Seems suspect to us. We think this is evidence of potential Levnium exposure….

  • Levnium is out there…

    Levnium is out there…

    We just haven’t found it yet. Or have we? Our investigative team found fragments of a document. We think they know it’s real, the government is trying to keep it under wraps. Here’s a fragment of what we found….